NCIC Validation Schedule
The November NCIC Validation listing, first available to everyone on November 13, 2024, will be archived from CJIS Validations on Monday, December 30, 2024.  Unvalidated records will no longer be available on CJIS Validations after that date.  The only option after that date is to validate records individually by using the appropriate "modify" Message Key and including information in the VLN field.  The VLD field will automatically be added when the modification transaction is sent.  Any unvalidated records will be purged by NCIC during the early morning hours of Sunday, January 5, 2025.

CJIS Security Policy v5.9.5 and Required Companion Document
Users are notified that v.5.9.5 of the CJISSECPOL and Requirement Companion Document are now available under the "CJIS Documents" section of the Launch Pad.   

NCIC Certification Prerequisites
In order to be considered to attend NCIC training, the following four prerequisites exist.  The potential student must:

1. Be included on the NLETC NCIC course "wait list."
2. Have a current CLEIN teletype terminal account.
3. Have an operational need to receive NCIC training.
4. Have verifiable "hands on" time and exposure to the NCIC terminal

Multi-state RQ inquiries.
The RQ form on Omnixx allows a user to query a license plate for vehicle registration information to more than one state.  Operators need to keep in mind that the automatic QV spawn to NCIC will only be constructed and sent on the state code indicated in the blue "Nlets Destination Code" and not any other states listed. This could create a false sense of security in thinking that separate QV inquiries are created and sent to NCIC for each state listed, in addition to what is listed in the blue field.  Separate QV inquiries must be sent if the RQ form contains more than one state.   

Attention nexTEST Users:
Security and awareness training is now required in the nexTEST Module where you recertify. Regardless of when you last took the training in the CJIS Online application,  ALL Omnixx users with the exception of new hires will show this training in nexTEST as a prerequisite to your recertification test.

Fatality Messages
Section 2 of the CLEIN Manual provides information on structuring fatality Administrative Messages sent QQQ on the network.  Recently, we have noticed agencies including whether alcohol or other substance was or wasn't a factor in the fatality accident.  Do not include this information within the text of your fatality message.